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Helen Bradley - Photoshop and Lightroom tips and techniques

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Singapore - East meets West

Singapore is totally amazing and in places totally unexpected. There is colour everywhere - in the temples and in the regular buildings too. The Hindu temples are so beautiful that they simply take your breath away.

The heat is ubiquitous and the humidity ensures you never feel dry! It is monsoon season so yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm - lightening and thunder and inches of torrential rain. It's so well designed that everything drains instantly so it's just left wet and steamy afterwards.

I walked to Little India and took a cruise on the river. Just spent time acquainting myself with the layout of the city and got a hint of its magic.

Here are some images and the stories they tell. First up, details from one of the Hindu temples:

The buildings are so colourful and what would a day in Asia be without laundry!

Elevators at the W hotel:

Shophouses on the river and window detail:

Muslim temple detail:

Gotta love neon - the Singaporeans do!

Detail from a city building - looks like snowflakes:

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At December 12, 2008 at 5:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helen - these are BEAUTIFUL! I simply love the bright and saturated colors you are capturing! Can't wait to see more!



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