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Helen Bradley - Photoshop and Lightroom tips and techniques

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Color that rocks! Autumn in Paris

Ok, this post is Color that Rocks not Color that Pops.. I am really really sick of hearing the word POPS, it is officially Over, Out, Done, Finished - Gone!

I have to hold myself back from screaming "No! No! No! can't you find another word" whenever someone uses it. Seriously, we need something different, it is so overused.

Ok, Rant [officially] over.

This photo is yummy.

I shot it in Paris in, duh! Autumn. The colors took a lot of work to bring out but they are dazzling. Next work I do on it will be to remove the people. I love them... it gives the image a sense of life ... but a friend doesn't - so they are going.

I have used this image as an example for the color change tool in Photoshop. Open an image to change colors in and choose Image > Adjustments > Selective Color. Now you can select colors in the image - yellows for example and add red or green or blue to them. Select any color and add more of something else to it.

This photo turns from Autumn into Spring in a few minutes - bypassing Winter entirely!

If you make your changes on a duplicate of the image then you can blend and control the effect with a layer mask. So simple and so effective.

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At February 29, 2008 at 6:13 PM , Blogger Alexa said...

My boss is always saying "Make it Pop!" That phrase is soooooooo annoying.


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